My Story

Hello and thank you for reading.

This will be an extremely personal blog, it may contain views, language and opinions you disagree with, this blog isn’t meant to offend or create anger.

I have 2 disabilities, one physical and one mental;

I have a condition called CRPS or complex regional pain syndrome, which effectively means the nerves in my brain react incorrectly to activity with my body, specifically for me they cause intense and excruciating pain with movement of my neck and my right shoulder down my right arm, which in turn has limited movement of my arm to literally only being able to use my right index finger without being in agony. I try to describe as the pain version of tinnitus for my body.

My mental condition is less complex and started as mild depression, but has escalated to deep anxiety.

Through medication and 2 years of psychotherapy I have broken the back of my mental illnesses. Freeing my mind and enabling me to be more positive.

I am an avid film fan having studied film making at college and university, I’m not embarrassed to say that I love mainstream and Hollywood blockbusters, but I’m also open enough to give anything a try. TV also is a beautiful addiction. so many brilliant shows, so little time. feel free to share any suggestions

I used to play bass guitar which sadly I have had to stop since my disability, but I love music from ska to classic rock and would say I’m fairly eclectic, most music can fit certain situations perfectly.

Sport is another passion of mine, An Arsenal fan since I was  a kid. I also have keen interest in Roller Derby, Snooker, Cricket, Boxing, Athletics.

I like to play many a computer game. Being house bound it can me one of my main sources of entertainment. Migrating between Console and PC I like to enjoy a broad range of genres. Also have an interest and excitement towards tabletop, dungeons and dragons, warhammer etc.

I hope to travel as pain allows me, but for now the journey is getting my life back.

This blog will share my stories, but also be a form of therapeutic and cathartic release for myself. I hope I can share a tale to connect with you.

18 thoughts on “My Story

    1. I like it
      May I suggest, well probably a chapter in 100 words novels.

      The inner monologue of someone who appears to be facing their last moments, but then, silence at the end. The monologue, however, is still there, in the darkness. Alone. “Hello? Anybody, Please.” Fading out of time and existence, the voice is lost.


    1. Brilliant I need more gooner friends in my life! I had a spurs fan as a roommate once! I lived with him the year of lasagne last day and thought it would never be topped until this seasons last day hilarity.

      Great blog yourself and hope you are well!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. HI! Thanks for following my blog on diet, exercise and living past 100. I hope it proves useful. I am already enlightened reading yours, as I never heard of CRPS. Congrats on the job you do dealing with it. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! Thanks for following my blog yesterday. I’m happy that you found me- I’m really looking forward to reading more of your blog. I like the tone of your writing, and I feel like we probably have a lot in common.

    Chronic pain is… not fun. I haven’t dealt with it for as long as you, and I am slowly getting better, but I certainly relate. I hope you find some good things today. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it’s not so fun. But like I’m sure you do with your migraines and tinnitus we find a way to get through. It may be a harder journey. But we get tougher for it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I just wanted to drop by to say thank you for the follow.
    I, thanks to a bad mix of scoliosis and weather, on occasion have severe pain in my upper back and shoulders which leaves both my arms numb and useless. If I may ask, what lead to you being diagnosed with CRPS? I don’t know anything about it past what you mention here but if you where once able to play base guitar then when did the change come?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was literally overnight. I woke up with blue hands and couldn’t move either arm. Over the day my left arm relaxed and became ok. My right arm and neck was in constant pain from that moment 8 years ago. It took around 3 years to get a diagnosis of crps from a pain management clinic. It’s a very little known condition compared to some. But It does effect many people. Especially after injuries or damage to head or limbs.

      Liked by 1 person

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